Star Trek


A Wandering Ensign

Posted on Sat Jan 30th, 2016 @ 1:38am by Lieutenant Griffen Tanol & Ensign Vex Krylore

Episode: Lost Property
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: MD1

"What do you mean the targeting sensors are off again?" Vex questioned, as he strode into engineering. The operations officer on the other end of the com channel sounded just as annoyed as Vex was.

"Lt. North was making some adjustments to the ship's lateral array and they went down, he promises that he should have them up again in about five minutes."

"Great," Vex muttered. Only on the ship three weeks and already he had a feeling that things were never going to be all that easy. He tapped the PADD against his leg and strode into main engineering. He had seen engine rooms before, even been in a few, but never in an active starship. The deep thrum of the warpcore was almost rhythmic and he was nearly run over by an enlisted man.

"Oh Sorry Ensign!" The Midshipmen cried out as they ground to a halt, thankfully they had looked up an instant before contact and been able to avoid running the man down. "So sorry, I wasn't paying attention at all." Taking a moment to collect themselves, the Midshipmen looked the golden clad man over, he didn't recognize them and he knew pretty much all of the engineers on board, "You're not from around these parts... and you look like you're looking for someone, can I help you sir?"

"I'm actually looking for Lt. Tanol, is she around?" Vex asked, looking around the very active engine room.

"I uhh, yeah I think she's over there working on something." The Midshipman said point back towards behind the Warp Core where one of the Engineering rooms many jefferies tube accesses were along with a plethora of systems.

"Thank you," Vex said, heading over toward the officer.

"Bloody damn scientists trying to... stupid.. aghhh," Was the extent of what Grif managed to say before she had to jerk her hand away from the EPS relay as it started to give off too much heat than she could handle. Unconsciously covering up her right side, Grif pulled her body out of the Jefferies tube and muttered darkly. The science division had again drawn way to much power from their dedicated line and had managed to almost melt one of the EPS relays that connected them to the main power grid, entirely how she wasn't sure but trying to figure out how might just lead to more things breaking.

Taking a deep breath as she cut power to the relay so that it would cool, Grif took note of the man making his way over. He seemed to be coming towards her with purpose. Interesting.

"Lt. Tanol?" Vex asked.

"That would be me yes." Grif asked as she rubbed an itchy part of her face, spreading some grease on her cheek. "And who would you be Ensign?"

"Ensign Krylore, Security/Tactical department, do you have a moment Ma'am?"

"Sure. What can I do for you?" Grif asked as she crossed her arms and leaned against the open Jefferies tube hatch beside her.

"New specs for the shield emitters," Vex said, handing over a PADD. "Ops said there shouldn't be a problem integrating the new settings but I wanted to run the power drain by you."

Grif arched an eyebrow as she grabbed the PaDD, "New equipment being installed always has to come through engineering before anyone else." She said offhandedly, "This new design seems to be about the same as the current emitter design. Most of the power draw is from the Generators anyways so it should be fine."

"Understood ma'am," Vex responded. They weren't exactly installing new equipment but adjusting the hardware and software already installed. Still, he could see her point. "Thanks, that's all I really needed."

"Uhh alright then." Grif said arching an eyebrow as she handed back the PaDD, "Was there anything else then Ensign?"

"Not really," Vex shrugged. "Well, one more thing actually."

Grif waved a hand, suggesting that he continue with what the next thing was. "Alright what else can I do for you?"

"I was going over the modifications that Lt. North suggested on ways to locate cloaked ships, which are pretty indepth if you ask me, but the downside is that they will interfere with the ships tactical array slightly. I was wondering if it was possible to set up an intermittent thoron pulse, routed through the ships secondary shield generators. That should counteract the effect of Lt. North's modifications."

"Thoron radiation interferes with sensors and would be more useful hiding our ship rather than counteracting any modifications Lieutenant North had planned." Grif replied with a shake of her head, "It would actually be rather counter productive to use thoron in that way."

"Alright, well nevermind then," Vex said. "I should get back to work. Thank you ma'am."

Grif just shook her head, "Your welcome ensign."

Lieutenant Griffen Tanol
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Highlander

Ensign Vex Krylore
Tactical Officer
USS Highlander