Star Trek


A Phone Call

Posted on Mon Jan 25th, 2016 @ 4:48am by Ensign Vex Krylore

Episode: Lost Property
Location: Vex's Quarters
Timeline: MD 01 - 1830

Vex entered his quarters and headed straight for the sonic shower. He had spent the better of the afternoon realigning the ships targeting sensors and when that was done he decided to take in some extra close quarters combat training. Once he had the shower going, Vex stripped out of his uniform and stepped inside, happy to have the vibrations and water rinse the grime of his workout away.

He hoped out a couple of minutes later and dressed in more casual clothes. He was anxious to meet this new guy, Theo Vega. Aside from August and Rose, he hadn't really made any close friends. He ordered a burger from the replicator and then took a seat. Just as he was about to chow down, his terminal beeped.

"Computer activate terminal screen," Vex said, grabbing his plate and heading toward his desk.

The screen snapped to live to show a well built, brown haired, man about his age on the other side.

"Catch you at a bad time?" August asked.

"Not really," Vex responded. "I was just sitting down to eat. What's up?"

"How are you settling in?" August asked.

"Pretty good so far I guess," Vex shrugged. "Everyone seems pretty nice, I about literally ran into someone else that came from our graduating class. His name;s Theo Vega, didn't really ring a bell with me though. Not surprising considering how big those classes can be."

"Yeah, I ran into a guy here that graduated with us too," August admitted. "How's your boss?"

"Seems efficient, knows what he's doing," Vex replied. "A little more relaxed but I don't think that's a bad thing."

"Mine's a real slave driver," August muttered. "Like a Klingon in a permanent bad mood."

"That sucks," Vex said.

"You're telling me," August answered. "So, big plans for tonight?"

Vex took a bite and shook his head. "Not really... I am meeting that Theo go for a drink later."

August's eyebrows shot up. "Wait, as in a date?"

"What?!?!" Vex yelped. "No, not as in a date!"

"Is he not cute?"

"What... well, yeah he's cute but I just got here Auggy!"


Vex shook his head. "No, not as in a date. Some species get weirded out because, well you know."

"Those species are stupid," August remarked with a frown. "We've been over that. If he can't be your friend because you happen to have a different biological make up then screw him; well you know what I mean."

Vex blushed at that implication. "I'm just trying to make friends, you know. This is my first posting and I don't want it turn into anything complicated. Besides, I don't even know if he would be interested in a romantic relationship. I'm shooting for friends, nothing more."

"Alright, alright," August relented. "Go have fun on your date."

"It's not a date!" Vex insisted.

August smirked. :"Fine, I believe you. Have a goodnight talk to you next week."

"Be safe Auggy."

"You two."