Star Trek


Dinner And Catching Up

Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2016 @ 1:56am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Avery Stiles & Ensign Theodore Vega

Episode: Lost Property
Location: Avery's Quarters
Timeline: MD:01 1805

Avery took a step back and looked around his quarters one more time. Truthfully, he hadn't had visitors in a while so there was some tiddying up that needed to be done. It didn't look near the disaster that it usually did. One advantage of not having any roommates anymore. It had been a long time since he had seen Theo in the flesh and he was looking forward to seeing him again and catching up.

He straightened one of the pictures on the side table near the couch. It was of him, Theo, and Theo's mother, Miranda on a trip to Panama City on Earth. Avery loved spending time with the two of them. His own parents had made it clear they weren't thrilled to have him a long time ago. Avery shook his head and then hustled back to the kitchen to check up on dinner.

Outside, Theo approached Avery's quarters, and was about to just barge in when he remembered that it was his only private spot ship. He didn't want to start reconnecting by assuming he was welcome at all times, even with an invitation. He rang the bell.

"Come on in Theo!" Avery called out. "And welcome to my home... I even cleaned up for you. Well, sorta. Just stay out of my bedroom."

"Yeah, I think I can avoid that," Theo said.

"Dinner should be ready in five," Avery said. He poured Theo a glass of wine and then took it over to him. "It's not as cozy as your place back home but I made do. Actually, its the first time that I've had quarters to myself."

"You're coming up in the galaxy," Theo said, "I've basically got a single windowless box and I share my bathroom with the next guy over."

Avery chuckle and handed Theo a glass of wine. "I shared a bathroom and a common room with four guys on my last ship. So, you really aren't still mad at me that I didn't tell you about my promotion?"

"I wasn't really mad, it was just unexpected."

"I just wanted to surprise you," Avery said with a shrug. "You and your mom are the only family I have, I wanted to make you both proud."

"Well, consider me impressed. You seem to have done pretty well for yourself."

"I do okay," Avery said. "And if you ever need a break from your windowless you're more than welcome to use the couch."

"Oh, I've got one of those, but thanks," Theo said. "And really, what good is a window? It just looks out on a bunch of star streaks ninety percent of the time."

"I guess that's true," Avery shrugged. "Come on, dinner should be about done."

Avery lead them over to the small dining area and then headed back to the the kitchen to get things served. He handed Theo a heaping platefull.

"Alright, go on and taste it and and be honest. If you don't like it, I have on of your favorite easy staples ready to go."

"Wait," Theo said, "you didn't cook two dishes, did you? I mean, there's a replicator literally a meter away from you."

"Maybe," Avery shrugged. "So, how is it?"

Theo cautiously scooped up and ate a forkful of the stir fry. It seemed pretty good, some kind of curry and fish combo, nothing in in that appeared unrecognizable or poisoning. In fact, it was pretty good. "Acceptable."

Avery narrowed his eyes at his friend. "Just acceptable? What about do you not like? Too much garlic? Not enough oregano?"

"It's very, uh..." Theo took another bite. Was there even oregano in curry? Well, there was something green and small, so maybe. "Yes, too much oregano."

Avery leaned back and folded his arms across his chest. "What else?"

"And it's a bit too, uh, fishy."

"Right," Avery said. He stared at Theo and waited a few beats. "You are a terrible lair Theo. Those two ingredients aren't even in this dish."

"Oh." Theo looked at his curry and picked out a bit of meat. "So... what is this?"

"Andorian Hawkbat," Avery answered. "Also, several spices from the Romulans and Cardassins."

Theo brought the meat up to his nose and sniffed at it. It still smelled like fish to him. "Are you sure you didn't mix things up?"

"You were enjoying it before," Avery pointed out.

"Tell you what," Theo said, "I'm just going to pretend it's something I recognize and say that it tastes good."

"Smartest thing that you've said all night," Avery smiled. "Dessert is strawberry short cake, unless you are going to turn your nose up at that too."

"Is it actual strawberry," Theo asked, "or is it something that only looks like a strawberry?"

"Based on what you've had so far, do you really think that I would stoop so low as to not put actual strawberry's in my strawberry shortcake?"

"I think that it is entirely possible," Theo said.

"Yes, there are actual strawberry's in there," Dylan said. "Also, I packed up some leftovers for you take home...including that back up meal. You know the one you thought were going to have eat since you doubted my abilities."

"Wow," Theo said. "You really put way too much effort into this. You shouldn't have gone to so much trouble."

"Not really any trouble at all," Avery responded. "How do you like your new boss?"

Theo shrugged. "He seems nice enough. No way to tell for sure until I have a chance to actually do some work with him."

"Cool, I ran into him a few times. Did you know he's ex-MACO?"

"Really? Doesn't seem like the type."

"Apparently he lost his husband on a mission," Avery said. "After that he went to the academy and did the whole science officer thing."

"Well, that's different," Theo said. He still couldn't quite imagine it being the case, but then he supposed he'd met the man for a matter of minutes so far.

"Hey, we're Starfleet, different is part of our vocabulary," Avery said. "Anyway, meet anyone else yet?"

"Some other people in the lab," Theo said. "Which is a little awkward - there's a Vulcan four times older than me and I'm in charge of her."

"Ha!" Avery laughed. "At least you have someone to work under, I have ensigns that don't know their head from a warp manifold giving me orders."

"Hey, now, I'm sure they're very skilled and brilliant like all Academy graduates. Really."

"Uh huh," Avery nodded. "Sure, that's what they all say. Anyway, hows your mom doing?"

"Fine," Theo said, "although apparently you may have talked to her more recently then I have, remember?"

"I didn't have an extended conversation with her," Avery pointed out. "She just went on and on about her amazing son graduating from the academy."

"So obviously she's doing great. Who wouldn't be with such wonderful offspring?"

"Humility, I always loved that about you. Really, its one of your more endearing personality traits."

"I like to think so, along with my generosity and selflessness."

"And your adorable eyes and cute butt, right?" Avery asked, downing the last of his drink.

"Yes, but I usually hope my mom doesn't spend too much time thinking about my stunning physique."

"True, you want seconds?" Avery asked.

"No," Theo said, patting his stomach. "I'm full. Well, not so full I won't take dessert if you have anything."

"The shortcake remember," Avery replied, standing up. He walked over to the counter and came back with two plates. "Here you go."

"Now, is this shortcake shortcake," Theo asked, "or strange new worlds shortcake?"

"Oh for the love," Avery said, in exasperation. "Its just plain old strawberry shortcake Theo! I swear you enjoy exasperating me... wait is this what this feels like?"

"What what feels like?"

"Like is that what I used to do to you all the time?"

"Terminally annoying due to occasional obsessions with pedantry?" Theo thought about it for a moment. "Yep."

Avery rolled his eyes and then stood up to grab the dessert. "Fine, I've gotten better at least I stopped hugging you all the damn time."

"It's actually kind of frightening," Theo said, "that you can act like an adult."

He set the plate down in front of Theo and then grabbed a small cup of ice-cream from the freezer before sitting it next to him.

"Go head and dig in," Avery smiled. "And, yes that's just plain normal vanilla ice-cream. Nothing alien about it."

Theo tried it and gave Avery a thumbs-up. "Well done."

"See, I am not without some sort of talent," Avery smiled. "I think that its more frightening that you think I can act like an adult."

"Please, leave me with my delusions intact."

Avery rolled his eyes and then took a drink of his wine. "Alright, at the risk of sounding like the old Avery, which apparently you despise so much, what happened to the boyfriend? Alex?"

"Who?" Theo said. "Oh. That ended a couple years ago, the long-distance thing didn't work out."

"I guess sometimes people just grow apart," Avery replied, pushing back from the table. He stood up and headed to the kitchen. "Just leave your plate there, I'll get it cleaned up before I hit the rack."

"No, I'm going to help clean up," Theo said. "No reason for you to do all the work."

"Actually," Avery said, turning around and setting some containers on the table. "There are plenty of leftovers, take some home with you. It's probably been awhile since you had a home cooked meal."

"You really didn't need to make so much."

"I enjoyed it, it's been awhile since I've had anyone to cook for. Say, how about we make this a weekly thing? You bring the wine and I'll continue to dazzle your taste buds."

"I don't know where you expect me to find real wine," Theo said, "but sure, assuming our schedules work out."

"It was great seeing you again Theo," Avery smiled, as they headed toward the door. "I hit the gym at 0600 every morning, wouldn't mind the company."

"I'll think about it," Theo said, in a tone that made it clear he wasn't getting up that early without orders or a red alert."

As per his usual, before Theo could stop him, Avery wrapped him in a hug he let go and stepped back after a few seconds. "Alright, sleep tight Theo. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Right, catch you around." Theo headed out the door, balancing containers and hoping his quarters actually had something to preserve it all in.