Star Trek



Posted on Mon Aug 3rd, 2015 @ 2:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Horatio Hawke & Captain Tim Williams & Lieutenant Commander Ciaran McIntyre

Episode: Orphans
Location: Starbase 126 - Docking Port
Timeline: MD32 0930hrs

The Highlander had made it to Starbase 126 in a relatively brisk day and a half, followed all the way by the ship belonging to Gul Brenor. Entek hadn't said anything more to them - at least not of any use - during the trip over, and Tim wanted to get him handed over and placed behind the forcefield in the starbase's brig before Brenor beamed over to give them a hard time. So when the Highlander had docked with one of the arms extending out from the station, Tim had been waiting at the hatch with Hawke, Mac and their offending prisoner, ready to open the hatch as soon as the seal was pressurised.

"Captain Williams," said a female voice as soon as the hatch did slide open. "I understand you're eager to hand over the prisoner you've got onboard." The Starfleet JAG officer on Starbase 126 was relatively young for someone in her position; Tim didn't know much about her, but understood that she had moved up the ranks in Starfleet's legal department very quickly.

"That's right," he answered, stepping over the threshold onto the station and taking note of the security officers who had come with the her, ready to take possession of Entek. "We had a Cardassian Gul who was kind enough to offer to escort us here from Dreyas Four. I'd much rather we get Entek here into one of your cells and behind a forcefield before he beams aboard and starts to make our lives more difficult than they need to be."

"Why do I feel like you're just going to be making my life more difficult?" the JAG officer sighed. "Very well. Do you have the transfer paperwork and his case file?"

Hawke didn't like that sigh and scowled at the JAG officer as he stepped forward with the PADD in hand. He curtly handed it to her and piled on the sarcasm as he said, "We hope you'll forgive the inconvenience, Commander, but as you'll see if you do get the time to read the report, this fella's responsible for all kinds of atrocities involving the torture and murder of an indeterminate number of Federation citizens."

McIntyre stood silently, eyeing the two security guards flanking the JAG officer. It wasn't his place to get into any communication with her but these enlisted men were more his level. He motioned one of them toward him and passed him a slim PADD. "Twenty four hour guard, mate. Don't trust the forcefields."

"Hmm," the JAG officer said, as she skimmed through the case file handed to her. "Yes, I can see what you mean Commander. Get him into a holding cell quickly," she said, speaking over her shoulder to the security officers.

"Yes ma'am," the first replied, whilst the other moved towards Mac and accepted the PADD. "Is he really that dangerous?" he asked, glancing across at the Cardassian. It was clear he wasn't a fighter. "Or is he just that good of a jail breaker?"

"His little friends are. If you let him escape you'll probably end up with all kinds of wee critters running about and tearing folks' stomachs out." McIntyre looked at the stern face of the JAG officer. His words were clearly outwith some protocol or other. "Best not to risk it, eh?"

"Right, let's go before this Gul of theirs beams aboard," the JAG officer said, motioning for the two security officers to follow, bringing Entek along with them. Entek, for his part, didn't say a word as he was led off down the station's corridors.

"Now that that guy's out of our hands," Tim said, turning back to his two crew members. "Let's sort out getting the colonists an their equipment off the ship; then the crew can have some rest before we get heading off again."

"I can't say I'll be sad to see them go." Mac said with a tinge of regret. After all, his staff had failed to save some of their number and their dream of a new home was now all but destroyed but they still grated with the way he liked to do his job. Basically; away from civilians.

Hawke watched the guards silently lead Entek away and felt a slow boil of anger deep inside him. His abhorrent experiments had left a litany of victims behind on Dreyas IV and he deserved everything the Federation court would throw at him and more. Thankfully, his victim count would cease now thanks to their intervention. Despite his disgust at what he saw on Dreyas IV, Hawke was pleased he was able to help bring Entek to justice.

"I, for one, could you use a drink," he muttered as he followed the captain and Mac back aboard the Highlander.

Captain Tim Williams
Commanding Officer

Lt. Commander Horatio Hawke
First Officer


Lieutenant Ciaran McIntyre
Chief of Security
USS Highlander