Star Trek


Deep Six

Posted on Tue Mar 28th, 2017 @ 3:36am by Lieutenant Ryan North & Ensign Theodore Vega

Episode: Fishing Expedition
Location: Verona IV
Timeline: MD-03, 0900

Ryan was itching to get out in the ocean. The first two days on the planet had been spent ensuring that all their research equipment would interface with the native people's systems. After that, he and Theo had worked on downloading the rest of the Federation Science Services databanks into one of portable cores that had been set up at the research station. But now, with most of the heavy lifting out of the way, they were standing by the moon pool, getting things set up and ready to go.

"We should be ready to depart momentarily," Lt. Plamer stated. "The pilots are just finishing up their checks now."

They had agreed to take a N'Taulon craft down to the depths, after equipping it with sensor upgrades and a few Federation probes. Ryan checked his PADD one more time before the pilots emerged from the craft.

They both looked young to Ryan, almost too young to be doing this kind of work. Then again, his own youthful looks often turned heads as well. The submersible that they would be using looked much like an Terran dolphin, with sleek lines and grey and white color scheme. It was slighly larger than a Delt Flyer class runabout.

"I am First Lt. Saka, I will be your primary pilot," said the shorter of the two. He bowed deeply to both Ryan and Theo. "And this is Second Lt. Vorr, he will be my second in command. We have all the instruments loaded onboard as well as our own science staff, we are ready to depart when you are."

"What do you say Theo, are you ready to get this show on the road?"

"Uh..." Theo tallied up the pieces of equipment on his fingers, glancing over each sensor or computer in turn. "Yeah, everything seems to be running correctly. No problems with the power or data connections to their system."

"Good, let's get this show on the road."

"Right this way gentlemen," Lt. Palmer said, ushering them towards the entrance.

Once they were aboard it only too thier pilots a few moments to get clearence before they were allowed to sink away from the moon pool and into the clear blue water. Ryan and Theo took their seats, an alcove filled with science stations as the sub slowly made it's way down.

"We'll be traveling to an area known as the Abyssal Fields today," Lt. Palmer explained. "It houses some of the most fascinating wildlife yet as well as a very active undersea volcano. Travel time should be about thrity minutes."

"Volcano?" Theo repeated. "Oh man, I love life around thermal vents."

"Can't wait," Ryan grinned. 
Palmer headed away from them, leaving the two science officers alone towards the rear of the command cabin. Ryan waited until he was sure everyone else was out of earshot and then turned to his junior officer.

"Did you have fun at the party the other night?" he asked.

"Yep," Theo said. "It was a lot more relaxed than I expected for a diplomatic event."

"I think that's their culture, did Vex enjoy himself? I saw him putting away a lot of that wine they were serving."

"I can assure you he conducted himself as an officer and a gentleman," Theo said. "Although I have to suspect that his species processes alcohol differently than humans, because by all rights he should have been on the floor."

"Unkari biology certainly never fails to impress," Ryan said, with a shrug. "Speaking of Vex, can I ask you something Theo?"


"Are you and he more than friends?" Ryan inquired.

"More than friends?" Theo said. "Well, I don't know if I'd say that. I mean, there's not really any higher level of friend except 'best friend' and that position's already taken."

"Are you dating him?" Ryan asked, plainly.

"You know, that's an interesting semantic question," Theo replied, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "What is 'dating'? When I say 'dating', does the word you hear through the translator really reflect the word I used? Does Vex's culture even have a concept of dating that matches the many variations on Earth, much less that of... wherever it is you're from."

"Yes, that is an interesting anthropological question," Ryan said, with a nod. "A simple yes or no would do though, you don't have to tell me I was just asking as a friend, that's all."

"Well, if you want the boring answer," Theo said, "then yes."

Ryan laughed. "It shows. I mean he pretty much can't keep his hands off you when he thinks that no one is looking."

"Don't tell him that. He'll take it as a challenge to be more stealthy."

"Granted, my limited knowledge of him personally would suggest that challenging him to do anything probably isn't all that wise," Ryan replied. His hands danced over the display. "Diego was like that, he never backed down from a challenge or a dare."

"That sounds... exciting," Theo said. He found himself wondering just how old Ryan was - older, obviously, but he was starting to sound straight up old-old in the same way of various relatives who spent a lot of time talking about their adventerous youths.

"You have no idea," Ryan remarked with a chuckle. "He actually got himself kicked out of a MACO event due to that rebelious streak."

"I guess I'm lucky that normal security officers are a bit better behaved. So far, at least."

"Looks like the fields are just ahead," Ryan said, glancing at a display to his left. "At any rate, you two seem pretty happy together. Congrats, if you find someone to make you feel that way be sure and hold on to them. And I swear, that is the only advice I will ever give you about relationships."

"Thanks," Theo said, for both the encouragement and the lack of advice. "I'll try to keep that in mind."

"You're welcome," Ryan answered. "Alright, let's see what this ocean paradise holds for us."