Star Trek


A Visitor From The Other Side

Posted on Wed Dec 16th, 2015 @ 4:50am by Ensign Theodore Vega & Ensign Vex Krylore

Episode: Lost Property
Location: USS Highlander, Deck 6 Corridor
Timeline: MD 1, Morning

Vex was still getting used to life on the Highlander. It was so much smaller than the academy and he honestly thought that he would have been able to easily find his way around the ship by now. However, that was not the case... he was lost again. Despite the various directions he got from the computer he still ended up lost. He turned the corner and nearly ran into another officer.

"Oh, hey, watch out," Theo said, coming the other direction, stopping at the last moment. "Sorry, didn't see you coming."

"Uh, yeah sorry about that," Vex said, looking around. "I'm lost... which is pretty hard to do on a starship nowadays but I've never really had a good sense of direction. Probably good I'm not a pilot."

"Engineer?" Theo guessed, going by the color of his uniform. A one-third chance wasn't bad.

"Security and Tactical department actually," Vex said, holding out his hand. "I'm Vex, nice to meet you."

He was going to try and make this assignment different than the academy. He wanted to get to know people and it seemed like almost running into another crew member, though not ideal, was at least going to force him to do something besides look down, mutter an apology and then walk away. And well, if that first officer happened to be attractive, that was all the more reason to say hi.

"Theodore Vega, xenobiology," Theo replied, shaking. "You new aboard too? I just arrived myself."

Vex nodded. "Yeah, I've been here for about three weeks... still getting used to everything and all. It's my first assignment out of the academy."

"Really? Same here!" Theo said. "I guess we must have been in the same class. I guess we just never met."

Theo did look slightly familiar, although that might have just been the pretty face. Vex was surprised at how many good looking men there were at the academy, although he shouldn't have been given the odds of the universe...

"Totally possible," Vex nodded. Then he snapped his fingers, finally figuring where it was that Theo looked familiar from. "Wait, you were on the soccer team, right? The Alpha Dogs?"

"Yeah, I was," Theo said, trying not to primp too much.

"I was on Beta Blue!" Vex exclaimed.

"You were?" Theo looked him over a second time and picturing him in the team uniform. "Wait - the goalie, right?"

"Yup, that's me," Vex smiled.

"Man, I can't believe I didn't recognize you. I mean, maybe you didn't stand out as much as the girl with four arms, but still."

"It's okay I barely recognized you either, I feel kind of bad about that actually," Vex said. "You scored the winning goal in that tournament last year right?"

"I did." Theo was pleased to find someone who actually cared. The science department at Starfleet Academy was not always the most athletic part of the school. "I was really surprised, honestly, given how you'd been doing. Just good luck. Or bad, I suppose."

"Better man won," Vex shrugged. "So, um how do you like it here so far?"

"Seems like a nice enough ship," Theo said. "I don't have a lot to compare it to, but I figure you'd probably notice if it was a bad one pretty quickly, right?"

"That's a pretty good statement I guess," Vex smiled. "Making any new friends?"

Theo shook his head. "Eh... I mean, there are people I am friendly with?"

"For as much diversity as there was at the academy I still found people that were kind of... uncomfortable around me. So far here is pretty nice, I did meet a pretty hyperactive engineering warrant officer."

"Mmm-hmmm," Theo said, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "It sounds like we both need someone new to hang out with. Maybe we could meet up after shift change?"

"Sure," Vex smiled. "It'll be good to have someone to talk soccer with, everyone around here thinks I am some sort of neanderthal for playing it."

"It'd be nice not to be playing with myself on the holodeck," Theo said.

Vex arched an eyebrow at that comment. "I'm going to not point out the obvious joke in that statement."

"Good, because it ruins the joke if you do," Theo said. "It's weird, there's so many cultural references that don't translate between languages, let alone between species, and yet the lower the humor the more likely it's understood."

"I'd bet there was some sort of paper written about it somewhere," Vex responded. He glanced down at his chrono. "I'd love to catch up later but in the mean time, do you have any idea where the EPS control room is? I keep getting told that its somewhere on this deck but managing to screw up the directions."

"You can't access it from this side of the deck, like the original schematics say," Theo explained. "Or the number three sensor processor, which is how I know. The corridor leading to it got blocked off when they expanded the shield coolant tank next door. You have to go around to C-section, then take the second left."

"Right," Vex nodded. "Got it. It was good to talk to you Theo, I'll see you after shift... say around 1900 in the lounge?"

"I'll see you there," Theo said.

"Sounds like fun," Vex smiled. He turned in the direction that Theo had indicated and hurried on about his duties.

Theo turned and hustled down the corridor, knowing his chat had left him behind schedule for his day's tasks in the bio lab. Still, he couldn't get too worried about the delay. Even if it had required running into someone to force the issue, it was good to finally connect with someone new.

A Mission Post by

Ensign Vex Krylore
Security Officer


Ensign Theodor Vega