Star Trek


An Old Friend

Posted on Mon Oct 19th, 2015 @ 6:10pm by Lieutenant Ryan North & Petty Officer 3rd Class Avery Stiles & Ensign Theodore Vega

Episode: Lost Property
Location: Highlander Transporter Room 2
Timeline: MD01: 0900

Avery straightened his uniform for the third time since stepping into the transporter room. They had made contact with the cruiser just a little bit ago and Theo was ready to beam aboard. He took a deep breath, he hadn't seen Theo since last year.

He looked over at the transporter chief. "Energize."

Theo was practically bouncing as the transporter took hold. He was seconds away from arriving at his first assignment aboard a starship. He'd waited for this moment for years, struggling to reach it the whole way. Now it had finally arrived.

Avery broke out into a broad grin. "Welcome to the Highlander Theo."

"Wait, what." The entire anticipated narrative Theo had built up came to a crashing halt. He was supposed to drop off his travel bag and meet his department head, and maybe take a tour of the science facilities. The sudden appearance of an old friend was not part of that plan.

"Don't act so surprised to see me," Avery chuckled. "You can step off the transporter pad now."

"But. What." Theo did as he was told, stepping off the transporter pad with a polite nod to the technician. "Why are you here?"

"Because I'm assigned here," Avery answered, with a raised eyebrow. He took Theo's dufflebag. "Are you okay? You look a little... shocked?"

"Sorry, I'm just really confused," Theo said as they walked out of the transporter room. "Happy, but confused. Because the way I see it, there are two possibilities. One, I just beamed into an alternate reality."

"Pretty sure you didn't do that," Avery smiled. "Um, shouldn't you know like congratulate me now."

"You're not even going to let me finish my list, are you?" Theo said. "And congratulate you for what?"

"This," Avery said, indicating his collar. "You know I got promoted, I know it's not as flashy as you officers."

"No, I didn't know, because apparently no one tells me anything."

Avery didn't want any longer to wrap Theo in a crushing hug.

"Ooof." After a moment Theo gave up trying to be annoyed and hugged Avery back.

Avery held on a little longer before letting go and giving his friend a smile. "Sorry, I told your mom I wanted to keep it a secret, I wanted to surprise you. Don't be mad, ok?"

"Have I ever stayed mad at you?" Theo asked. "Even when you probably deserved it?"

"Good point," Avery said, as they stepped out into the corridor. "Anyway, thanks for the Birthday gift and you know, welcome aboard."


They came around the corner and Avery about ran into one of the junior engineering officers.

"Hey, watch we're you're going!" the young man barked and then continued on her way.

"Someone's a little grumpy," Theo observed.

"Yeah some of the engineering staff really enjoys bossing us non-coms around," Avery shrugged. He pushed the call button for the turbolift. "It's not big deal really, I mean most of them are pretty nice."

"Still unprofessional, especially considering you could have been an officer too."

"It's no that bad Theo," Avery said, gesturing toward the turbolift. "Plus, I wasn't smart enough to get into the academy, we both know that."

"I managed it," Theo replied, "and no one ever said I was the smart one."

Avery frowned as they stepped into the turbolift. "You are the smart one."

"No, you're the - no, wait," Theo said. "We're adults. I am not going in circles like that again."

"Can we discuss my intelligence or lack there of later pleas," Avery said. "I thought after you got done checking in and getting yourself settled you'd like to have dinner. I've actually gotten to be a pretty good cook these past few years and would love to make you dinner."

"Dinner," Theo repeated. "What kind of dinner are we talking about here?"

"I've gotten pretty good at stir fry oh and my grilled chicken is awesome, I have testimonials if you want," Avery grinned. "Or I can do a pretty good home made pizza, I have have case of fresh vegetables down in the cargo bay. Really, you pick."

"Okay...," Theo said, trying to consider which was the least likely to go terribly bad if Avery had not really learned how to cook. But then if he did that it would be obvious and Avery would be hurt. Catch-22. "I'll try the stir fry."

"Excellent, I have a wine that will go perfect with that. What do you say to around 1800?"

"Sounds good to me. In the meantime I need to go drop my gear off and meet my new supervisor."

"He's a pretty cool guy," Avery responded. "Cute too, you know if you are into those big athletic types with a great smile, blue eyes, and one of the nicest personalities on the ship."

"That is both strangely detailed yet not terribly helpful professionally," Theo said.

"What?" Avery responded, in mock surprise. "Do you really think I would stoop so low as to scope out guys for you? And besides, just because I haven't ever dated a guy doesn't mean that I can't tell when they are hot."

"Please try not to turn my life into some kind of weird romantic comedy," Theo said. "Again."

"I learned my lesson after that Andrew Janson incident," Avery said, holding up his hands.

"You've said that before," Theo replied. "Hopefully a few years in space has made it sink in for real."

"Hey, you tried to set me up once to you know," Avery remarked.

"Don't remind me," Theo said. A Caitian, what could he have been thinking?

"I'll see you later Theo," Avery smiled. He gave Theo one more hug before turning and heading back toward the turbolift. "Don't be late."

"Don't worry, the academy beat that habit out of me."

"Good to know."