Star Trek


Wild Blue Yonder

Posted on Tue Jan 24th, 2017 @ 4:43am by Lieutenant Ryan North

Personal Log:

Tomorrow morning I'll be leading an expedition to Verona VI with Ensign Vegan and Ensign Krylore. Truthfully, I am more than ready for a mission of this time. While I enjoyed the challenges that were brought on by our last mission and the work that I got to do with Lt. Reynard, who is every bit as handsome and intelligent as he was back on that that conference, I am looking forward to the exploration of new life and previously undiscovered species that we might find in the depths of this new planet. I'm still not sure why they are insisting on us taking Vex with us though, I was a MACO and I am still proficient in both small arms and hand to hand combat. Well, more than proficient but that's hardly the point. On the subject of this Ensign Krylore though, I do say that Theo's eyes lit up the moment that I mentioned he was going to be joining us. 

Curious indeed. Maybe the two of them are becoming an item? It's not really any of my business though, I should stop speculating. I got the final mission updates from command. We're going to have our hands full. In addition to helping them in the research into their unique set of lifeforms, we've also been tasked with ensuring that their research base is stable and fit for work. Not exactly something that two science officers and a security officer would be great at but I am told there will be civilian engineers planet side too. Our job is just to make sure the stations labs and sensors are working correctly. That, I think we can probably do.

We leave at 0500 tomorrow morning and I haven't even started to pack. Diego would be so upset with me right now. Actually, he probably would have already packed my things and his things. He did that more than once, despite my attempts to dissuade him. How I wish that he was still alive. But, living in the past isn't healthy. He always said that.