Star Trek


End of Shift [Backpost]

Posted on Mon Jul 28th, 2014 @ 1:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Ciaran McIntyre & Lieutenant Commander Horatio Hawke & Ensign Leon Kingson

Episode: Orphans
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: MD08 15:10hrs

Alpha shift had not long given way to their comrades in Beta Shift and so naturally many of the alphas wandered down to the mess hall to grab something to eat, enjoy a cold drink or otherwise just kick back and relax.

Naturally, two of the first to arrive were Hawke and McIntyre.

Hawke quickly moved across the room to claim the sofas under the starboard-most window while McIntyre ordered the drinks.

"Two Karak lagers, please." Mac asked, realising that he hadn't taken the time to get to know his bartenders yet. The most important assignment on a new ship was getting to know one's bartenders. "The name's Mac. You'll probably be seeing a lot of me."

"Gildir." The stout human woman behind the bar replied as she shoved two glasses across the bar and instantly moved onto the next customer.

"A smile costs nothing." Mac thought as he crossed the room toward his friend.

“Cheers,” Hawke said as he accepted the drink. He took a quick sip then set it down on the low table in front of the sofa. “You know, we never did end up solving that Rebate Squire mystery of yours.”

"Reigate, Hawke." Mac corrected him as he took a long swig of the drink and shot another hurt look back at the bar. "To be honest, it needs a third player character. You don't get the full depth with the Holodeck controlling the police officer."

Hawke crossed his legs and leaned back in the sofa, resting his arm over the back. "Then I suppose we have two options. Either we try something different or we find ourselves a suitable third."

The doors opened, and in walked a young Ensign. He was tired, and looked vaguely annoyed. He walked briskly over to the bar and immediately sat down.

"Hi Gildir. I'll have a large Karak Lager please." He flashed her a tired smile, and she returned it with ease.

"Hey Leon. How'ya doin'. Settlin' in alright are ya?

"Yeah. Just tired. We found a a glitch in one of the cooling systems in the engines. Others took over, but it took a while to find the error. The Engineers had the hardware up and running in the hour, but it took as for ever to comb that system." He took the drink gratefully and took a deep glug. "Ahhhh. Much better. Well be catching you later."

He stood up and spotted the two Lieutenants. Hawke was one of them, and he wandered over to join them.

"Speaking of thirds," Hawke said when he spied Leon heading their way, "here comes young Mister Kingson." He waved the ensign over. "Hey, OPS. Come take a load off."

Mac raised a glass to the Ensign as he took a seat. "To the young man of OPS, may he have a long and stellar career."

Leon Joined the toast with a wide grin.

"Ha! Thanks guys. How are you doing Hawke?"

Hawke leaned forward and picked his glass up from the table, raising it in a casual salute to the ensign. "Top of the world, Leon."

"And you must be Lieutenant McIntyre. Its good to meet you off the bridge for once. So, tell me. What's the word up top about the colonists? Any vanishing cargo? Mysterious malfunctions? Or do you think this is going to be a simple drop of mission?" He asked.

"Missions like this are never simple." Mac stated matter-of-factly. "Between the colonists themselves and how they often react when they realise that their new home might not be all it's cracked up to be, you'd be surprised how quickly things can turn on their heads."

"Nothing like a terminal case of buyers remorse to send a mob of people into hysterics," Hawke chipped in.

"I'm just pleased I'm not a Counselor, let's put it that way." Mac added, raising his drink to his lips.

They all sat quietly for a moment, enjoying their drinks. Hawke was the one to break it when he asked Kingson, "So how are you settling in, Leon? Not still dropping your stuff everywhere, I hope."

Leon laughed. Damn "Nah, I've settled in pretty well. I've been put to work immediately, and I've been running several diagnostics on some of the back up systems."

"Sounds like a laugh riot." McIntyre replied. "Mind you, I suppose it explains why the replicator in the Security office keeps spitting out non-alcoholic mint juleps."

"You better get Ethan on to that quick smart," Hawke said. "Surely that's a priority?"

"And I though the Chief engineer's primary responsibility was to make sure don't explode on a regular basis. You learn something new everyday." laughed Leon.

"You'd be surprised at how someone owing you a favour means that they're less interested in faulty power couplings and more interested in the bioneural gel in non-vital systems." Mac countered with a wicked grin.

Hawke had a little chuckle then turned back to Kingson. "So, Leon, what do you like to do to unwind?"

Leon put down his drink. "Me?" He asked. "Well... Holosims are kinda my thing, but in a fictional medieval setting. To do things I'd never get a chance to do in this day and age. I also like being able to break the laws of physics with crazy things, or creating something that has no right to exist in our universe. Any of you good with a sword? Or Legions of undead? These are not your average Holosims, I'll tell you." He laughed. "Well, that and I've recently taken up painting. Oh and I'm pretty good at Strategema." He turned to his colleges. "What about you?"

Hawke shook his head, "I'm rubbish with a sword, sadly. I'm much more comfortable with something a little more complicated and flightworthy. What about you, Mac?"

The Scot looked between the pair suspiciously as he brought his drink to his lips. "You're looking at it, lads."

"Actually we were just talking about a holonovel we were working through back on the Endeavour," Hawke continued as he lifted his beer to his lips. "But it would work a lot better if we had a third." He took a sip and settled the glass on his leg. "You interested?"

Leon grinned. "Yeah, that sounds great! What's the genre?" He loved original Holovids, having written one or two in past. He wasn't quite a Holo-addict, as he enjoyed many other hobbies, but it was one of the few technological hobbies he had.

"It's a mystery." Stated McIntyre enigmatically.

Lieutenant Horatio Hawke
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Ciaran McIntyre
Chief of Security

Ensign Leon Kingson
Chief Operations Officer