Star Trek


Lesser Digs

Posted on Mon May 22nd, 2017 @ 12:35pm by Lieutenant Commander Vincent Holt

Episode: Preparations
Location: XO's Quarters, USS Highlander

Vincent finally arrived in his cabin on the Highlander, it was a melancholy affair. Travelling with his meager collection of items on his person, with any remaining items being transferred from his Accomodation on Mars. He placed his bag on the bed and sat down on the soft Starfleet issue matress. His entering this room was admitting defeat, the reason for his delay. However the room was substantially larger than the Captain's quarters on the Kukri which made him chuckle for a moment. He mused over his meeting with his Commanding officer, and had to laugh, mainly at himself for being an assumptive arrogant ass, but also for the Captain he would get to know. Not correcting his gaffe and being a prankster didnt fit the mould of Captains that Holt had grown up with, nor modelled himself toward.

This whole Captaincy situation hadn't been handled in the best of ways, by Starfleet and himself. He wasn't blameless in how he reacted, but obviously he was now stuck with a decision made for him. It was up to him to pull himself back up, dust himself off and try to be the best XO he could be, to stop with the self loathing and misdirected frustrations.

Sitting behind his modest desk, he placed the small picture of his family next to the monitor, as well as the small model of the USS Odyssey. Clicking on the terminal, he brought across his personal files, and files he had created for his command. Rosters, crew shift rotations, tweaked standard operating procedures, including detailed files on how implementing Starfleet Marines and their methods, into Starfleet Security rotations. All this would have had more swing with his title of Commanding Officer, but he could still bring them to his current CO.

Now he was in his rather spacious room it was time for the inevitable binge of personnel reports and biographies, as well as ships logs and ships previous orders. Given the ship was berthed, he would have longer than other XO's to get up to speed, but that wasnt going to slow him down or let him rest on his laurels. Jotting out a small timeline of the next few hours for his own personal sanity, he marked out time for a tour of all the main sections of the ship. Normally a senior officer would escort him, but Vincent definately preffered getting lost and finding his way out. Plus, he mused, I could drop in on some unsuspecting Ensigns for a suprise inspection.

He had also earmarked some time for the holodeck, he couldnt miss his regular fitness regime, no chance of him getting soft or comfortable. 8-10km run through several different biomes on his personally designed holodeck simulation, going from the extreme cold of Andoria to the heat of Vulcan, with a tropical Risa thrown in the middle as a reward at the end. Kept him, in his mind, ready for any environment, plus being decked out in full field gear and rifle helped him stay grounded. 

The next few hours would be long but worth every minute. Getting his mind back in the game, "Computer, Coffee, double shot."


Lt. Commander Vincent Holt
First Officer
USS Highlander