Star Trek


All is not lost

Posted on Sat Jan 28th, 2017 @ 9:23pm by Counselor Melony Taylor

Episode: Lost Property
Location: Counsellors office
Timeline: During DeSalle repairs

Emeron knocked briefly on her office before coming in. He was visibly upset and distressed already and seemed to be crumbling before her very eyes as he leaned against the wall by the door.

Melony looked up and her eyes softened at the sight "Emeron please make yourself comfortable, I think the seats are a little better than the wall." she suggested.

He didn't move for a few minutes, just maintaining his composure with calming breaths, he eventually took a seat across from Melony with his head in his hands. "I can't do this," he eventually muttered "It's too much. Everything is different, I can't get it into my head. I can see the change right in front of my eyes, but to know that everyone I know and love is...." He paused struggling to say the words.

".... That everyone I love is gone, and has been for a long time, when it's almost overnight for me." He shook his head looking up at her " My wife and daughter just gone Counsellor, how am I expected to cope with that?"

Melony was quiet for a few seconds carefully weighing what to say. It seemed he was already quite close to breaking. "Emeron, I can see why you feel like that and I know that there will be no way for me to bring you back to them, but they didn't just disappear. They both mourned for you and tried to continue on with their lives as best as they could with a piece of them missing."

Melony picked up a PADD from her desk, flipping through to a file she had put together for him knowing that he might have problems adjusting to the loss of his family, something she had tried to do for most of the crew that had lost someone. "I've managed to find out about some of your daughters accomplishments. I thought that you'd like to see," she said as she handed him the pad and watched him as he went though the few things she had managed to pull together.

He paused looking at the picture of his daughter on there at 21. She had only been 7 when he left. "Is there any more? What about my wife?" He asked intrigued.

Melony had to suppress a smile. It had worked nicely as a distraction and a boost knowing they weren't just lost to him entirely. "I haven't found too much information so far but I thought it would be something you might like to continue with and perhaps we could even look for some of your descendants if you would like?" She paused here looking at him holding the PADD looking at his daughters picture. He hadn't gone much past that. "You can keep that PADD Emeron, it's the perfect place to keep all the pictures and things we find about them and your family."