Star Trek


The Next Rung

Posted on Tue Feb 11th, 2014 @ 7:14am by Lieutenant Commander Horatio Hawke & Captain Tim Williams

Episode: Orphans
Location: USS Highlander - Bridge
Timeline: MD02

Tim stepped out of his ready room with a spring in his step, rubbing his hands together. He'd just had a conversation with Starfleet Command that had gone exactly his way - which in Tim's experience is always a rarity and something to be celebrated - and was off to share the news with the man who the conversation had been about. Thankfully, the captain didn't have to wander far before he found him, sitting at the helm console and most likely familiarising himself with the controls, or reconfiguring them to his liking, or something else along that ilk. There was nobody else on the bridge, as most of the systems monitoring until they took off could be done from engineering.

"Ah, Hawke!" Tim called, as he hopped down the steps to the same level as the pilot was sat on. "Just the man I was looking for."

Horatio had been familiarising himself with his flight controls, making little adjustments here and there to the interface and running a few simulations to try to get a feel for how the ship would handle. Of course, he wouldn't know for sure until he was actually flying her, but the simulations were a close approximation.

He spun his seat at the sound of the captain's fervent voice. "What can I do for you, sir?" he asked, resisting the urge to snap to attention. He was doing his best to try and adapt to the captain's more casual style.

"I've got a job for you," Tim answered, stopping in front of him. "I hear you're interested in the command track. How'd you like being second officer?"

For a brief instant, all thoughts of protocol and discipline vanished from Horatio's mind and he could have leaped from his seat and whooped out a shriek of excitement. But years of training and service wouldn't allow such a glaring lapse, particularly at a moment like this. He calmed himself as he quickly formulated his response. He needed to be confident, but not arrogant. Eager, but not impulsive.

"I'd be honoured, Captain," he replied, standing up to face Williams and doing his best to keep the smile on his face from growing too wide. "If you're confident that I have what it takes to be your second officer, then I promise I won't let you down, sir."

"Good," Tim said, matter-of-factly, as though he hadn't expected the man to say anything other than he had. "Starfleet's approved the appointment, but you will need to do the bridge officer's command test early. It means a quicker promotion to commander later in your career, but Starfleet wants to make you take the test now as a condition of the job."

"Now?" Horatio wasn't expecting that. He knew that someday he would have to take the test, but 'someday' was a long way off. He asked, hesitantly, "How much time will I have to prepare?"

Tim shrugged casually. "Starfleet want you to have passed it by next month at the latest, or they're going to make me choose someone else." Tim knew that a month was more than enough time to prepare for the tests, especially for someone who already served on the bridge day-to-day regardless. The only element which usually took officers a long time to pass was the engineering element. He wasn't too concerned, since by his estimate, Hawke should pass the test well before the deadline he'd agreed to with Starfleet.

That seemed like plenty of time to Horatio, who couldn't hold his smile back any longer. He beamed at the captain, feeling a wave of pride and relief wash through him. After the last few months, the thought of his career stalling had gone through his mind on more than one occasion. But this meant that the Admiralty had given him a chance to prove himself despite his troubles. He would not let them - or the captain - down.

"I'm sure I'll get it done well before that deadline," he said before quickly adding, "Umm, do you have any advice, Captain?"

Tim thought for a moment before giving his answer. "Think outside the box," he finally said, somewhat cryptically, patting the man on the shoulder before turning and walking towards the turbolift to leave him to puzzle it over.

Horatio watched him go and called out, "Thank you, sir!" before the doors to the turbolift hushed shut behind him.

He smiled to himself and watched the closed door for a moment, thoughts rolling through his mind about what this meant for his career. Slowly, his eyes drifted down to the twin command chairs at the centre of the bridge. The grin stretched a little further at the corner of his mouth as he focused on the captain's chair.

This is it, he thought to himself. This was a critical moment for the development of his career. More pips on his collar and greater responsibility awaited if he was good enough.

I am good enough, he told himself. He believed it; he knew it. Now he had to prove it.

Butterflies started fluttering in his stomach ...

Captain Tim Williams
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Horatio Hawke
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Highlander