Star Trek


Deep Breaths

Posted on Thu May 31st, 2018 @ 7:19pm by Counselor Melony Taylor

Gasping for breath she bolted upright, hair stuck to her forehead, dampened with sweat and all tangled up in the sheet. She was in her room, in her own bed that's right... she moved to sit on the edge of her bed, feet not quite touching the floor attemping to breathe properly and keep the panic from choking off the air again. It was still in her chest, lacing her every thought.

Focus.... breathe in.....and out.

She leaned forward feet just touching the floor, her senses were in overdrive, her nightmare lingering around. She wiped her forehead, moving her hair and inadvertantly pulling the sheet sending a PADD sliding to the floor. She flinched, eyes darting to the offending object, adrenaline in her system spiking; heart beating faster. Nothing to worry about. She tried to focus and calm her breathing.

Focus.... breathe in.....and out.

Several deep breaths later she closed her eyes, surpressing the fear still lacing her veins and tried to recall what exactly she had dreamt of that had been so terrifying.

When she closed her eyes all she could see was flames and twisted metal flying towards her, screaming coming from all around her and blood..... she opened her eyes, her hand hovering by her ribs. It was just a dream. She didn't have broken ribs or any piece of metal sticking out of them. She stood up untangling herself from the sheet. Fustrated at the nightmare clinging to reality, she could only remember bits and pieces of it but it was enough to know it didn't matter.

Focus.... breathe in.....and out.