Star Trek


The Shortest Distance

Posted on Thu Jun 25th, 2015 @ 4:50am by Karil

Episode: Orphans
Location: Earth, San Francisco
Timeline: Prior to boarding the Highlander


“Keida,” Karil gave his daughter a long-suffering look, and crossed his arms. “It will not be forever.”

She continued to glare over the vidscreen, in her own implacable Vulcan way. “Seylan is a six year old. The Highlander is at the edge of Federation territory. It will be dangerous.”

"I assure you that is not the case."

"Father will get the bad guys, anyway," a voice interrupted from behind her, a young Vulcan with his feet up on the table smacked one fist against his palm.

"Ni'var, hizhuk-tor na'ashau t'A'Tha!" Keida shushed him irately. "And get your feet off the table."

Karil exchanged a brief glance with Chaele. "These are our children," he murmured in exasperation.

"Logic can take time. Let us take this opportunity to deconstruct the events that you are so concerned about," Chaele offered in a very reasonable manner.

"It's not really about logic, sa-mekh," Ni'var actually contributed something half-way serious to the discussion. "Keida has abandonment issues."

"Hiyet," Karil interrupted sharply in the Emphatic mode. Ni'var sank back into the couch, his lip twitching in a frown. "Shay is right. It was easier when we were all on Vulcan together, but-"

"Duty calls?" their recalcitrant 20-year-old muttered.

"Yes, Ni'var. The Highlander is always an option, if you prefer not to remain separated."

"No," Keida said. "Seylan needs the parental bond. We do not. You have your internship at Hallai, and I have my studies. You will take that internship. And we will look after ourselves while our parents are actually contributing to society."

"I contribute-"

"Smoking hashin all day on your father's couch is not contributing."

Karil repressed his amusement. "You will be all right. We are not completely cut off. The comms are only a minute away, and we can always make the trip if it is necessary. Just take a breath, Keida. And Ni'var, give your sister a break. I know it can be difficult to resist riling her up, but she has enough stress as it is."

"Will you take the internship?" Chaele asked, tilting his head curiously.

"I'm thinking about it." Ni'var got to his feet, crossing the room to press his hand against the vidscreen in a distant farewell.

"You will make the choice that is appropriate for you," Chaele was assured of this somehow.

"Keida, we have to get ready for that thing," Ni'var called out of view.

"One moment."

"Look, we have to go. Juno is playing at Laikhrayan, and we reserved seats. Give Seylan our best. Dif-tor heh smusma, and all that."

"Be safe," Karil held up the ta'al as the screen turned dark. "It is difficult to believe that they are so grown," he murmured to Chaele, shaking his head. "You think they will be all right?"

"They always were." Chaele pressed his two pared fingers to Karil's, in the middle of their near-emptied apartment in San Francisco. They would soon be going their separate ways, off to their respective assignments and eventually- new adventures.


Security Investigations Adviser, FPS
USS Highlander