WYSIWYG Editor Update
Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2017 @ 9:19pm by Captain Tim Williams
Hey everyone
Just a quick one; there have been a few little issues with the TinyMCE editor I added to the site a couple of weeks back - the primary one being that it wouldn't let you manually input your HTML tags without going into the source code view, so we'd be getting emails with the HTML tags visible rather than doing the jobs they were supposed to do. So, I've spent some time today playing about with a new text editor, called CKEditor. One of the things this has over TinyMCE is that it lets you control the behaviour a lot more in regards to how it treats HTML tags - so going forward, they should start to work even when you enter the HTML tags in manually.
One other feature this editor has is a Paste from Word function (it's in the toolbar; look for the clipboard with [W] on it). It should mean that the site can more easily handle the strange formatting MS Word and Google Docs adds into text for anyone who wants to copy and paste from either of those sources.
Now I've done some testing on my local server, but with this kind of thing the only real test comes when it gets put in to use - so please let me know if any weird stuff comes out of it. There is the possibility that posts created whilst we were using our old editor may look a little strange, since the behaviour of what this one does is different, but just let me know of any times that happens and I'll take a look and fix it for you.
Also, if this news item ends up looking a little funny when it gets emailed out; I'll look at fixing that too. Email functions are one of the things that I can't really test properly on my local setup, so don't worry if the email has more or fewer line breaks than it should :)
Category: Website Update