Star Trek


Crew Awards!

Posted on Sun Jun 1st, 2014 @ 6:24pm by Captain Tim Williams

Hi everyone!

So, it's the first of a new month, which means that it's time for the monthly awards! (Yes, I remembered them this time :D)

Firstly, the Crew's Choice award. There were only three votes that came in, and all went to a different crew member, so all three shall share the award this month. Those three are:
Tim Williams
Ciaran McIntyre
Cody Fredericks

Captain's Merit and the Character Development Award go to Horatio Hawke, for all of the extra work he's been putting into the (yet to be posted) command test posts, and that post that I know he has going with our counselor.

That's all for this month. We've got plenty of posts in the works, but unfortunately not many got out this time around. Nevertheless, "Montreal Rush" has been put forward as our post of the month nomination.

Look out for the crew's choice poll going up on the forums again towards the middle of June, and as always, please feel free to let me know if you want to nominate anyone for an award you feel they deserve!


Category: Sim Announcement