Star Trek


Forum Again!

Posted on Thu May 15th, 2014 @ 8:05pm by Captain Tim Williams


I've been posting more to the forums again of late, in order to try and get us using them more again. There are new threads or posts in most of the categories, and of course I'm always encouraging of you starting up your own threads and thinking up new things to add to each of the existing ones.

Of note, I've put up another plot idea I've had bouncing around my head, posted an update on plans and progress for our current mission, and I've posted up the latest crew's choice poll - that last one is of particular note; the poll will run for the next two weeks or so, and will hopefully result in me being able to actually give out the award this month - as I've been very lax in raising the polls over the past few.

So please, head on over there and get involved. I'll also be thinking of some more posts in addition to those I'm already involved in to try and get started soon - but I'll also soon likely start up the main plot post, to move us along into the meaty core of our current plot.


Category: Website Update