Star Trek



Posted on Tue Jan 24th, 2017 @ 5:07am by Ensign Jonathan Forrest

I wanted to thank the good Captain for accepting my application.  Jonathan has become my favorite character, which is saying a lot because over the years I've come up with a bunch. And he's my newest. I created him for a sim, where they have an Academy Annex as part of the sim. I've never played a cadet before and jumped at the chance. I also talked my other friend into joining, when I came up with the idea of making our characters siblings.  We've done a lot of back posts for those two on that other sim, which has caused both characters to become pretty complex. 

I'll be posting all those here too, which should give everyone some insight into who Jonathan is. Hopefully, those don't become overwhelming for anyone.

Thanks Ryan for shooting me that message about JPs and, once Jonathan is actually on board, I would love to jp with anyone.



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