Star Trek


Fleshing out the Forum

Posted on Sun Jan 19th, 2014 @ 1:39pm by Captain Tim Williams

OK guys, I've been fleshing out the entries in our forum a little bit to help start making it feel a bit more lived in.

I've started up a discussion thread for this mission, where you can post any questions/ideas/etc about it in there

I've also started up a number of threads in the Character Discussion forum; the aim of this is to get some discussion going on each of our different characters so that we can try to understand them a bit better; there's a thread in that forum describing what I mean by that.

So if you haven't already, head on over there to create an account (you can find it under the 'The Community' link in the main nav menu), and take a look at a few of the things I've put up.


Category: Website Update