Star Trek


Our XO at Last!

Posted on Sun Jul 27th, 2014 @ 9:25pm by Captain Tim Williams

Hey everyone!

As I'm sure you've already seen, the final post in Hawke's command training has just gone out - Tough Call. With this post, Hawke has now been officially appointed as the ship's first officer and promoted to Lt. Commander.

He'll still remain in command of the Flight department - at least until we can get someone new into that spot, but at the longest until our next mission (at which point we can pull in an NPC to fill the role if we are still missing a pilot). He may however end up delegating much of the piloting to his NPC staff, since he'll be doing more paperwork now :P But that's up to him

As I said in a previous announcement, this now makes McIntyre our second officer. I'll be going through the same command training with him, but it will probably be after this mission that we do that, so that we don't have too much of the same in terms of post topics.

I hope at some point tonight - if not then at some point tomorrow - to start up the next major mission post. Please head on over to the forums under the 'Community' link at the top of the site in order to see what I have planned for that and to comment on the idea whilst there is still time.

You should also notice that on the main areas of the site (everywhere aside from the wiki pages and the admin pages), we have a new addition to the sidebar. This is in thanks to Monoui from Bravo Fleet, who until recently used to run the USS Pandora there. The new addition comprises of a mission status section at the top - which I hope to keep updated with the latest mission plot post, the stardate and mission day of that post, and our alert status - and a ship status down at the bottom. This will show a graphic of the ship's shield status, as well as have information of our location/heading, speed, and systems status.

Hopefully as well as adding something a little extra to the site, it should also help with keeping everybody on track with where we are and how the ship is doing :)


Category: Sim Announcement